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Council on Aging Minutes 04/01/2009
Minutes of meeting held on April 1, 2009

Meeting opened at 10:15 a.m. by Chairman Bruce Plumley.

PRESENT: COA members:  Tom Baltazar, Harold Hewinson, Lowell Nixon, Bruce Plumley, Jack Reed, and Susan Sanders.  Others: Senior Center Director: Margaret Crock, Kitchen Manager: Don Sanders, Activities Coordinator: Linda Artruc and Judy Gaumond from Friends of Holland Seniors.

ABSENT:  Earl Johnson, Olive Nixon, Maintenance Manager: Paul Gillis, Outreach Worker: Deb Tierney.  
MINUTES:  Motion to accept the minutes of the March 4, 2009, meeting was seconded and approved.  

REPORTS:  Debbie Tierney, Outreach Worker
Deb submitted a written report for March.  To date, $3,900.00 in Butterworth Funds has been committed to 26 families.  Over four days in March Jan Swenson and Mary vanderBerg assisted seniors with the completion of their tax forms.  Deb feels this should be accomplished earlier next year as many seniors had already filed their returns and the turnout was small.  We had one program in March – Jackie Boileau from Mercy Hospital gave a helpful presentation on the Lifeline personal safety system.  Two new financial assistance programs have arrived for caregivers.  One provides some construction and/or equipment money to care for an elder in his/her own home, enough to build a wheelchair ramp, or get an air conditioner or humidifier for someone with breathing problems, etc.  The other is money for respite for caregivers of elders – up to $500/yr.  See Deb for applications.   Deb requests funds to attend a conference on May 12 presented by the MA Dept. of Public Health.  She also requests funds for Linda Artruc to attend since it relates to her duties.  Cost is $35. per person.   Roberts Printing has not yet responded with a bid for the newsletter.  In the absence of further information, it was decided to go with Roberts for the last newsletter of this fiscal year and switch to Kowalski as of July 1, 2009.  Please make all newsletter submissions by April 21.  Let Deb know if there are spring/summer activities at clubs in the area or a specific topic you want to address.   Deb anticipates needing about 80 more stamps to finish out the fiscal year.   Motion to accept all proposals was seconded and approved.  

FINANCIAL:  Susan Sanders, Treasurer  
Receipts in February were: GSSSI $583.33.  Expenditures in February were:  Salaries $1,717.70, trash pickup $31.50, electric $82.66, gifts $50.00, Osterman Propane $181.88, telephone $60.95, mileage $16.50, GSSSI Title III match $93.38 and Tasse’s for repairs $768.25.
SENIOR TAX ABATEMENT PROGRAM: Margaret Crock and Harold Hewinson.
As of March 31, 2009 the Senior Center has been charged $2480.00, the Town Clerk has been charged $500.00, Assessors office $60.00, Holland Elementary School $1526.00, Executive Secretary $72.00, and Tax Office $204.00, for a total for all departments of $4,842.00.

In March 742 contacts were made and 107 seniors were served.  282 attended the Senior Center, 105 attended congregate meals, and the balance includes cards & games (55), exercise (32), senior tax work off program (20), intergenerational activity (68), phone calls (80), computers (11), COA meeting (11), speaker (23), meetings (9), entertainment program (17), tax preparation (17), blood pressure clinic (8), garden club (4).   A few attended a presentation at Town Hall.  We received a framed aerial photograph of Hamilton Reservoir from its Association.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE:  Regular programs:  Lunch is served every Monday as well as on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month.  Monday Mah Jong will be on hiatus during the winter; Tuesday storytelling at 10:00 a.m. followed at 11:00 a.m. by a craft class; Wednesday 10:00 a.m. exercise class, and COA meeting on the 1st Wednesday; Thursday 12:30-3:00 p.m. cribbage, and crafts from 1:00-3:00 p.m. with Linda Artruc.  Card games, scrabble and puzzles available daily.  The AVADA hearing clinic will be on Wednesday June 3 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.  On April 8 from 11:15 to 12:15 we will be holding a sun damage screening.  On April 16 Holland Elementary School will hold its spring grandparents luncheon.  You must sign up to be included.  On April 22 at 12:45 p.m. Lily Lung will return to entertain us.  A garden club led by Tom Baltazar has begun and will meet on the 2nd Monday of the month after lunch.  Chris Haller will join us on a date to be determined to instruct us in the use of herbs.  The next blood pressure clinic will be on May 13 from 11:15 to 12:15.  On May 18 at 1:00 p.m. Fallon will come to explain its insurance plan.  On June 10 from 11:15 to 12:15 we will be holding a session on emergency preparedness.  On July 24 there will be a Red Cross Blood Drive.  On August 17 at 1:00 p.m. Richard Clark will entertain us as Mark Twain.  Joan Dusoe has dates set up for the following: Arthritis information on July 8, immunizations on August 12, blood pressure screening/cold and flu information on September 19, and on October 6 from 10:00 to 12:00 we will have a flu shot clinic.  Future use of the Senior Center includes a birthday party on April 25, a shower on April 26, a gathering following a burial on May 9, a luncheon on May 3, and a pancake breakfast on June 14.  Other future meals include Mike’s pizza and our June anniversary.  Holland Elementary School requests volunteers to count and roll change from various fundraisers – just show up during school hours.

No report.

Don reports no problems with the kitchen.  He is checking on some dials needed for the stove.  The exterminator will be here soon to perform this annual task.  

Motion to accept all of the above verbal and printed reports was made and approved by the Council on Aging.

NEW BUSINESS – Jack reports that Ken Basdekis who cuts our lawn is concerned about the need for seeding and fertilizer.  There is only $300. left in this year’s lawn care budget.  Bruce will donate a large quantity of grass seed to the Senior Center.  The need for fertilizer will be addressed next month.  Tom would like a utility sink set up in the craft room storage area.  There is a sink available and plumbing is already in place.  He will check with Town Hall regarding permits for installation.
Reminder: A purchase order form has been developed and is available.  All purchases require approval by Chairman Bruce Plumley.    

Meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.

Submitted by:  Susan Sanders, Secretary  

Meeting on May 6, 2009                                                                                         
Call to Order at 10:15 a.m.
Approval of minutes of April 1, 2009
Reports: Outreach, Senior Center Director, Program,
Senior Tax Abatement, Finance, Maintenance,
Kitchen, Old Business, New Business, Correspondence